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Iodine is a trace mineral that is vital to the function of the thyroid gland. The human body does not make iodine, so all iodine intake must come from either our diet or from supplements.
Magnesium has an effect on more than 300 bodily chemical reactions. This includes maintaining heart health, sustaining blood vessels, boosting and maintaining energy levels, producing new cells and proteins, and enabling enzyme activity.
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Conquering Cancer: A vision for Africa This enterprise is a visionary project of IHC (International Healthcare Consulting) in the US (Rochester, Minessota) and hence the name "American Cancer Hospital - Nigeria". The Board consists of Prominent Medical Professionals and business folks dedicated in the development of high quality healthcare facilities. A mission opens up: American Cancer hospital today is open 24 hours with all the essential services for medical care with special focus on Cancer. The hospital was officially inaugurated on 20th Mrach 2019. It has all the facilities to treat all kinds of cancers. A very important hallmark of our work in the US has been the pursuit of Quality. We are ambitious to pursue this track of excellence in the healthcare delivery specially with regards to Cancer in Africa. We have an excellent team of both overseas and local staff who are passionate about conquering cancer. We treat most cancers including Breast cancer, Cervical cancer, Prostate cancer, Colorectal cancer, Liver cancer, head and neck cancers, lymphomas and Leukemias. The story of Cancer in Nigeria is not a very pleasant one as the incidence of cancer cases are sky-rocketing every year. According to WHO in 2018, about 70,000 people died because of cancer in Nigeria, that is to say about 119 people die every single day in Nigeria duew to Cancer. Translating this into layman's language, four out of five people diagnosed with cancer stand to die of cancer! These alarming incidence was the main reason, IHC directed it resources in tacking and destroying this deadly disease. We are bringing to Nigeria, years of experience and expertise from the US. We have developed standard operating procedures (SOPs) in diagnosing and managing all forms of cancers. Our vision is to establish one of the best cancer hospital not only in Nigeria but in Africa.
There is yet no national cancer registry in Nigeria and so the few places that record cancer cases present a grim picture. Hence, the above numbers are grossly underestimated. The above statistics is from Globocan 2018. Cancer is a peculiar disease in the sense that when a person has cancer, their entire body is affected. No two cancers are the same and so each individual has to be assessed separately and treatment options planned accordingly. WHAT IS CANCER? All cancer is the result of mutations in the human genome. Mutations may be caused by aging, exposure to chemicals, radiation, hormones or other factors in the body and the environment. Over time, a number of mutations may occur in a single cell, allowing it to divide uncontrollably and grow in a way that becomes a mass of cancerous cells. CLICK ON THE IMAGE BELOW TO VIEW ON A LARGER SCREEN IS CANCER CURABLE: The short answer is “YES” ! However, this must be understood with a caveat. IF cancer is detected early and treated properly, there is a very good chance that cancer cells or even the tumor growth can be totally destroyed. This emphasizes the importance of screening and early detection. Click the images below to enlarge As an example, cervical cancer is known to have excellent results IF the cancer is detected early. Cervical cancer is one of the most preventable and treatable types of cancer. Click the images below to enlarge If cervical cancer is detected at an early stage and is removed by surgery, there is almost a q00% success rate. See Below: Click the images below to enlarge YES, CANCER IS CURABLE. |
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